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Blogitem door Cortez Celestine

Irrational Beliefs and Behavioral Misregulation in the Role of Alcohol Abuse among College Students

Irrational Beliefs and Behavioral Misregulation in the Role of Alcohol Abuse among College Students

Two hundred three alcohol-using college college students completed a questionnaire on their ranges of alcohol use, moderate to extreme issues with alcohol use, and measures of life stress, impulsivity, compulsivity, irrational beliefs, and depression. While impulsivity significantly predicted both alcohol use and Artifical Intelligence issues, stress, compulsivity, irrational beliefs, and depression were discovered to only be important predictors of alcohol use issues. When irrational beliefs, impulsivity, and compulsivity have been combined to kind an "irrational coping" scale, this assemble was present in multiple regression analyses to utterly mediate the effect of stress on alcohol use issues, while depression was a partial mediator of this impact. Results have been interpreted in terms of Rational Emotive Behavior Theory. This is a preview of subscription content material, access through your institution. Instant access to the total article PDF. Rent this article through DeepDyve. Anton R. F., Moak, D. H., & Latham, P. (1995). The obsessive-compulsive drinking scale: A self-rated instrument for the quantification of ideas about alcohol and drinking behavior.


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